Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Elohim God (2)

As a young child growing up, we are all taught the same thing, that there is only God the Father. When we were are taught this we come to believe its a true statement.
But actually when we start to really study the body, you will notice that all of times God refered to himself in plural form not singular. Even in the first book of the bible the Lord refer’s to himself in plural form and not only did male come out from his image but also female.
Even you study the original text, one can only see and understand it more clearly that God refers to himself as Elohim God. The word Elohim in hebrew mean plural form of God which is actually Male and Female. Our Father Ahnsahnghong came and taught us all the truth of the bible, revealing to us that just like we have a God the Father, we also have a God the Mother, he will give us eternal life in the last days, as it is written in the book of Galations 4:26, “But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our Mother.”

I Give thanks to Elohim God.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If there is God the Father, then why isn’t there God the Mother?

If there is God the Father, then why isn’t there God the Mother?

If God the Father exists, then the existence of God the Mother is given!!!

Man and woman are created in the image of God, and all the creatures receive life through their mothers.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Trinity (Second coming Jesus)

The concept of "Trinity" means that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are not different entities, but are one God.

The Trinity?
God the Father [Jehovah], God the Son [Jesus], and God the Holy Spirit [Ahnsahnghong] are one. In order to understand why the members of the Church of God believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong as the Holy Spirit, please study the truths of "the Second Coming Christ.
"To better understand the Trinity, let’s first consider the transformation of water.
Water is a liquid, but when its temperature falls below 0° C, the water will turn into ice, a solid. When the water is boiled, it turns into vapor, a gas. Water, ice, and vapor have different names and different forms, but their substance is the same: H2O.
It is similar to when an actor in a monodrama plays three different characters?
a father, a son, and a grandson?all having different voices.
Although there are three different voices and three different roles, there is only one actor.Like this, even though God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit may look different, have different names, and have appeared during different ages, the three are one God.
The Trinity reveals that God administrates His salvation work while playing three roles.For six thousand years God has carried out His salvation work in the names of Jehovah, Jesus, and Ahnsahnghong, each according to its age.
